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Class Position

This is the superclass of all positions of coordinate spaces. Each individual position is specific to some one coordinate space. Positions themselves don't have much behavior, as most of the interesting aspects of coordinate spaces are defined in the other objects in terms of positions. Positions do have their own native ordering messages, but for most purposes it's probably better to compare them using an appropriate OrderSpec.

Package: Udanax-Gold
All Superclasses: Object Heaper
Immediate Subclasses: FilterPosition ID IntegerPos RealPos Sequence Tuple UnOrdered
Protocols: Object
Categories: Xanadu-Spaces-Basic

Class Methods


Overridden by: FilterPosition class ID class IntegerPos class RealPos class Sequence class Tuple class

Instance Methods


since we redefine equal, subclasses had better redefine actualHashForEqual

Overridden by: FilterPosition ID IntegerPos RealPos Sequence Tuple ActualTuple UnOrdered HeaperAsPosition StrongAsPosition


Essential. A region containing this position as its only element.

Overridden by: FilterPosition ID IntegerPos RealPos Sequence Tuple ActualTuple UnOrdered HeaperAsPosition


Essential. The coordinate space this is a position in. This implies that a position object is only a position in one particular coordinate space.

Overridden by: FilterPosition ID IntegerPos RealPos Sequence Tuple ActualTuple UnOrdered HeaperAsPosition StrongAsPosition

isAfterOrEqual: other

OBSOLETE. Use OrderSpec instead, or non-polymorphic subclass methods.
This must define a full ordering on all positions in the same coordinate space.
As this isn''t possible for some coordinate spaces (eg. HeaperSpace & FilterSpace), we may BLAST instead. Therefore this message should eventually get retired -- don't use.
See OrderSpec::follows for the properties a partial order must satisfy. A full ordering must additionally satisfy: for all a, b; either a->isAfterOrEqual(b) or b->isAfterOrEqual(a).

isEqual: other

Overridden by: FilterPosition ID IntegerPos RealPos Sequence Tuple ActualTuple UnOrdered HeaperAsPosition StrongAsPosition

isGE: other

OBSOLETE. Use the OrderSpec, or non-polymorphic subclass methods.
Defines a transitive partial order; return false if incompatible. See OrderSpec::follows for the properties a partial order must satisfy. The ordering according to isGE is the same as the ascending OrderSpec for this coordinate space. It is probably better to use the OrderSpec than this message.

Overridden by: IntegerPos RealPos Sequence

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