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Class ID

Implementation note:

An ID exists within a particular IDSpace, and is generated by a particular Server. It holds onto the space and the Server which created it, along with a number identifying the ID uniquely. If mySpace is nil, then the ID is in the global IDSpace. If myBackend is nil, then this ID was generated by the current Server (unless myNumber is negative, in which case it is considered to have been generated by the "global" backend). If myBackend is non-nil, then myNumber must be non-negative.

Package: Udanax-Gold
All Superclasses: Object Heaper Position
Protocols: Object
Categories: Xanadu-Be-Basic

Class Methods

exportIntegerRegion: xmtr with: integers

Write a IntegerRegion onto a stream

exportSequence: xmtr with: sequence

Write a Sequence onto a stream

import: data

Essential. Take some information describing an ID and create the ID it was exported from.

importIntegerRegion: rcvr

Read a IntegerRegion from a stream

importSequence: rcvr

Read a Sequence from a stream


Overrides: Position class

key: string

ID key: 'test'

make: pakobits

make: left with: right

make: space with: backend with: number

usingx: space with: backend with: number

Special for IDStepper - checks whether it should make backend be nil

Instance Methods


Overrides: Position


Overrides: Position


Essential. A Sequence identifying the server on which this was created


Overrides: Position

create: space with: backend with: number

createRcvr: receiver


Essential. Export this iD in a form which can be handed to Server::importID on any Server to generate the same ID




A sequence of numbers which uniquely identify this ID within its space

isEqual: heaper

Overrides: Position


Essential. The number identifying this ID from all others generated by the same Server in the same IDSpace.

printOn: oo

Overrides: Object

sendSelfTo: xmtr

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