Overrides: CoordinateSpace class
A FilterSpace on the given base space.
Overrides: CoordinateSpace
Essential. A region that matches any region that contains all the Positions in, ie. is a superset of, the given region.
Essential. A filter that matches any region that intersects the given region.
Essential. The CoordinateSpace of the Regions that are the input to Filters in this FilterSpace.
Essential. A filter that matches any region that intersects the given region.
Overrides: CoordinateSpace
A filter matching any regions that is not a subset of the given region.
A filter that matches any region that is not a superset of the given region.
A filter that matches any region that any of the filters in the set would have matched.
Essential. Given a Region in the baseSpace, make a Position which corresponds to it, so that
filter->hasMember (this->position (baseRegion)) iff filter->match (baseRegion)
Overrides: Object
A filter that matches any region that is a subset of the given region.
Essential. A region that matches any region that is a superset of the given region.