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Class FeWrapper

An object which wraps an Edition, providing additional functionality for manipulating it and enforcing invariants on the format.

Implementation note:

The fact that you cannot get the spec of a Wrapper is deliberate. You can merely check that it is a kind of Edition you know, but no more; this makes it easy to compatibly add new leaf classes below existing ones.

Package: Udanax-Gold
All Superclasses: Object Heaper
Immediate Subclasses: FeClubDescription FeHyperLink FeHyperRef FeLockSmith FePath FeSet FeText FeWorkSet
Protocols: Object
Categories: Xanadu-wrapper

Class Methods

checkDomainHas: edition with: required

checkDomainIn: edition with: limit

checkSubEdition: parent with: key with: spec with: required

checkSubEditions: parent with: keys with: spec with: required

checkSubSequence: edition with: key with: required

Whether there is an Edition there which can be successfully converted into a zero based Sequence

checkSubSetEdition: parent with: key with: spec with: required

checkSubWork: parent with: key with: required

If there is a SubWork at a key in an edition


Overridden by: FeClubDescription class FeHyperLink class FeHyperRef class FeMultiRef class FeSingleRef class FeChallengeLockSmith class FeMatchLockSmith class FeMultiLockSmith class FePath class FeSet class FeText class


Overridden by: FeClubDescription class FeHyperLink class FeHyperRef class FeMultiRef class FeSingleRef class FeLockSmith class FeBooLockSmith class FeChallengeLockSmith class FeMatchLockSmith class FeMultiLockSmith class FeWallLockSmith class FePath class FeSet class FeText class FeWorkSet class


Overridden by: FeClubDescription class FeHyperLink class FeHyperRef class FeMultiRef class FeSingleRef class FeLockSmith class FeBooLockSmith class FeChallengeLockSmith class FeMatchLockSmith class FeMultiLockSmith class FeWallLockSmith class FePath class FeSet class FeText class FeWorkSet class

setSpec: spec

Overridden by: FeClubDescription class FeHyperLink class FeHyperRef class FeMultiRef class FeSingleRef class FeLockSmith class FeBooLockSmith class FeChallengeLockSmith class FeMatchLockSmith class FeMultiLockSmith class FeWallLockSmith class FePath class FeSet class FeText class FeWorkSet class


Overridden by: FeClubDescription class FeHyperLink class FeHyperRef class FeMultiRef class FeSingleRef class FeLockSmith class FeBooLockSmith class FeChallengeLockSmith class FeMatchLockSmith class FeMultiLockSmith class FeWallLockSmith class FePath class FeSet class FeText class FeWorkSet class

Instance Methods


create: edition with: spec

Overridden by: FeClubDescription FeHyperLink FeHyperRef FeMultiRef FeSingleRef FeLockSmith FeBooLockSmith FeChallengeLockSmith FeMatchLockSmith FeMultiLockSmith FeWallLockSmith FePath FeSet FeText

create: edition with: inner with: spec


Essential. The primitive Edition this is wrapping.


Essential. The next Wrapper inside this one; blasts if this wraps an Edition directly.

isEqual: other

isWrapperOf: spec

Essential. Return TRUE if this is wrapped as the given spec, or any one of its subtypes

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