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Class FeText
Handles a integer-indexed, contiguous, zero-based Edition of RangeElements
Package: Udanax-Gold
All Superclasses: Object Heaper FeWrapper
Protocols: Object
Categories: Xanadu-wrapper
Class Methodscheck: edition
construct: edition
Called from internal code to create and endorse new Editions. Does not check the contents; assumes that it will only be called by trusted code.
Overrides: FeWrapper class
Overrides: FeWrapper class
Overrides: FeWrapper class
make: data
makeWrapper: edition
setSpec: wrap
Overrides: FeWrapper class
Overrides: FeWrapper class
Instance Methodscontents
The Edition of the actual contents, without any style information. You should use this instead of edition() when you want to get the Edition for comparisons, queries, etc. Future styled text implementations will not store the contents as directly as we do now.
The number of elements in the string
create: edition with: spec
Overrides: FeWrapper
extract: region
All the text lying within the region, with the gaps compressed out.
insert: position with: text
Insert new information into the Edition at the given point, pushing everything after it forward.
move: pos with: region
Insert a virtual copy of the region of text before the given position, and remove it from its current location. If the position is one past the last character, then it will be inserted after the end. If the region is discontiguous, then the contiguous pieces are concatenated together, in sequence, and inserted.
printOn: oo
Overrides: Object
replace: dest with: other
Replaces a region of text with a virtual copy of text from another document.
If the destination region lies to the left of the domain, inserts before the beginning; if it intersects the domain, insert at the first common position; if it lies after the end, insert after the end. Fails with
BLAST(AmbiguousReplacement) if the region is empty.
May be used to copy information within a single document.
This operation may not be particularly useful with non-simple destination regions.
validate: pos
Check that information can be inserted at the position. Blast if not.
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