Check that it has the right fields in the right places. Ignore other contents.
Overrides: FeWrapper class
Overrides: FeWrapper class
A Filter for links of the specified types
Overrides: FeWrapper class
Just create a new wrapper
Overrides: FeWrapper class
Overrides: FeWrapper class
Overrides: FeWrapper
Get the HyperRef at the given name; blast if none there
The names of all of the ends of this link
The various type documents describing this kind of Link. These documents are typically Editions with descriptions at each linkEnd key describing what is at that Link End.
The reason for having several is to allow type hierarchies to be constructed and searched for, by including all super types of a link in its link type list.
The Link should be endorsed with all the IDs of all the types.
What if someone endorses it further (or unendorses it?)
Change/add a Link end
Replace the set of type documents describing this kind of Link
Remove a Link end