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Class CanopyCrum

CanopyCrums form binary trees that acrete in a balanced fashion. No rebalancing ever happens. Things are simply added to the tree up to the point thta the tree is balanced, then the height of the tree gets extended at the root.

Essentially, when the join of two trees is asked for, if the two trees aren't already parts of a larger tree, the algorithm attempts to find a place in one tree into which the other tree could completely fit without violating the depth constraint on the tree. It then returns the nearest root that contains both trees. If it can't put one tree into the other, then it makes a new node that joins the two trees (probably with room to add other stuff deeper down).

myRefCount is only the count of Loafs or HCrums that point at the CanopyCrum. It doesn't include other CanopyCrums.

12/2/92 Ravi
PropJoints have been suspended, and their function has been replaced by flag words in the CanopyCrum. Any interesting Club or endorsement gets a bit, and there is a bit for "any other Club" and "any other endorsement". Any criteria not given a bit of their own require an exhaustive search. These flags are widded by ORing up the canopy. When we start using more sophisticated hashing strategies, we will probably need to reanimate PropJoints.

Package: Udanax-Gold
All Superclasses: Object Heaper Abraham
Immediate Subclasses: BertCrum SensorCrum
Protocols: Object
Categories: Xanadu-Be-Canopy

Class Methods


Max number of special endorsement flags

endorsementsFlags: endorsements

Flag bits corresponding to endorsements


Rightmost flag for interesting endorsements


Overrides: Abraham class


Overrides: Abraham class


The flag for any other Clubs


Flag for all uninteresting endorsements

permissionsFlags: permissions

Flag bits corresponding to permissions


The flag for the Universal Public Club

useEndorsementFlags: endorsements

Use a special flag to look for any of the these endorsements

Instance Methods

addPointer: ignored

Keep a refcount of diskful pointers to myself for disk space management. (Maybe backpointers later.)


Return another instance of the same
class for testing purposes.

Overridden by: BertCrum SensorCrum


Overridden by: BertCrum SensorCrum


Figure out new props, etc. Return true if any changes may require further propagation

changeCanopy: change

Figure out new height, props, etc. Return true if any changes may require further propagation

Overridden by: SensorCrum


Figure out new height. Return true if changes may require further propagation



computeJoin: otherBCrum

Find a canopyCrum that is an anscestor to
both the receiver and otherBCrum. otherBCrum
is added to the canopy in a pseudo-balanced fashion.
This demonstrates the beauty and power of caching
in object-oriented systems.


This is only used by the TestPacker, so it includes all persistent state whether or not
it is semantically interesting--myRefCount is not semantically interesting.

Overrides: Abraham

create: flags

Make a canopyCrum for a root: it has no children.

Overrides: Abraham
Overridden by: SensorCrum

create: flags with: first with: second

prop must be empty

createRcvr: receiver

Overrides: Abraham
Overridden by: BertCrum SensorCrum


Overrides: Abraham


Overrides: Object
Overridden by: SensorCrum


split into two if possible, return the two leaves






Overridden by: BertCrum SensorCrum


includeCanopy: otherCanopy

Install otherCanopy at or below the receiver. If the otherCanopy fits in a lower branch, put it there. Otherwise, replace the shortest child with a new child that contains the shortest child and otherCanopy.


Overrides: Object

inspectSubCanopy: start

isLE: other

Return true if other is equal to the receiver
or an anscestor (through the parent links).
Use caches for efficiency.



Return the abstracted information necessary to determine whether anything leafward may pass the filtering criteria.


Overridden by: BertCrum SensorCrum

makeNewParent: first with: second

Make a new crum that contains both first and second.
This method just makes a new parent whose properties are empty. My client must bring my properties up to date

Overridden by: BertCrum SensorCrum




propChanger: change with: prop

Return an AgendaItem to propagate properties.

NOTE: The AgendaItem returned is not yet scheduled. Doing so is up to my caller.


removePointer: ignored

Keep a refcount of diskful pointers to myself for disk space management. (Maybe backpointers later.)
Forget the object if it goes to zero.

sendSelfTo: xmtr

Overrides: Abraham
Overridden by: BertCrum SensorCrum

setOwnFlags: newFlags

setParent: p


BertCrum create verify1


BertCrum create verify2.

verifyHeight: height

Create a tree with maxHeight = height and minHeight = 2.

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