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Class TestPacker
Does not actually go to disk, but just tests that the protocol is being followed correctly. Some of these tests may make it into the real SnarfPacker, but some of them will remain debugging tools. Most operations only do enough real stuff to be able to check that they work.
The TestPacker holds onto an IntegerTable of UInt8Arrays that contain the disk representations of all the flocks. It also holds
myDisk contains a UInt8Array for every flock that made it to disk. They are assigned sequential numbers.
myNewFlocks contains the flockInfos for new flocks, and thus contains the new flocks wimpily.
myAlmostNewFlocks contains flocks that are under construction but have not yet finished.
myDestroyedFlocks contains flocks that will be destroyed upon exiting the current consistent block.
myChangedFlocks points strongly at flocks that must be rewritten to disk.
Package: Udanax-Gold
All Superclasses: Object Heaper DiskManager
Protocols: Object
Categories: Xanadu-Snarf