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Class SetTable

SetTable is a table-like object (NOT at true table) that can store multiple values at a single position. See MuTable for comments on the protocol.
The reason that this is not a table subclass is because of several ambiguities in the contract. For example, replace for a table implies that the position must be previously occupied, but in a settable the position is occupied only if the exact association (key->value) is present.

Package: Udanax-Gold
All Superclasses: Object Heaper
Protocols: Object
Categories: Xanadu-Collection-SetTable

Class Methods

make: cs

make: cs with: size

Instance Methods


If my contents are shared, and I'm about to change them, make a copy of them.


at: key includes: value

at: aKey introduce: anObject

Store anObject at position aKey; BLAST if position is already occupied
(for SetTable, there must be an object that isEqual to anObject at aKey
for the position to be considered occupied)

at: aKey store: anObject

Store anObject at position aKey; return TRUE if store accomplished, FALSE otherwise

atInt: index introduce: anObject

atInt: index store: anObject




create: entries with: tally with: cs

createRcvr: receiver


Overrides: Heaper


emptySize: size

return an empty table just like the current one

includesKey: aKey


Overrides: Object

intRemove: index with: value


isEqual: other

printOn: oo

Overrides: Object

printOnWithSimpleSyntax: oo with: open with: sep with: close

remove: key with: value

runAt: index

runAtInt: index

sendSelfTo: xmtr


stepper: order

ignore order spec for now

stepperAt: key

stepperAtInt: index

storeEntry: entry

wipeAssociation: key with: value

wipeIntegerVar: index with: value

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