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Class Joint

Joints are used to prune searches through trees of Regions. Each Joint summarizes the Joints and Regions at its node and its children using their intersection and union. If you maintain this information at each each node in the tree, then you can search for Regions in the tree efficiently using Filter::pass() to adapt the search criteria to the contents of the subtree. See also Filter::pass(Joint *).

Package: Udanax-Gold
All Superclasses: Object Heaper
Protocols: Object
Categories: Xanadu-filter

Class Methods

make: something

make: something with: other

makeCoordinateSpace: space

An empty Joint in the given coordinate space.

makeJoint: left with: right

A joint that is a parent of the two given Joints.

makeScruSet: subs

A Joint that is a parent of all of the Joints in the set.

makeXnRegion: both

A Joint containing only the given region.

makeXnRegion: unioned with: intersected

A Joint with the given union and intersection regions.

Instance Methods


create: unioned with: intersected

createRcvr: receiver


The intersection of the regions at all child nodes in the tree.

isEqual: other

join: other

A Joint that is a parent of this Joint and the given one.

printOn: oo

Overrides: Object

sendSelfTo: xmtr


The union of the regions at all child nodes in the tree.

with: region

A Joint that is a parent of this one and the given region.

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