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Class GrandDataPage

GrandDataPage behaves as a small hash table.
Linear hashing and the GrandOverflow structure are used to resolve collisions.
The shift argument to the various methods is the number of pages in the
parent node to indicate how many low bits of the hash are ignored.

Package: Udanax-Gold
All Superclasses: Object Heaper Abraham
Protocols: Object
Categories: Xanadu-Collection-Grand

Class Methods

make: nEntries with: node with: lowHashBits

Instance Methods


Overrides: Abraham

create: nEntries with: node with: lowHashBits

createRcvr: receiver

Overrides: Abraham


Overrides: Abraham

entryAt: idx


fetch: toMatch with: aHash with: shift





makeDouble: newNumPages

Create a new page with all entries of current page that have a

printOn: aStream

Overrides: Object

repack: shift

This repacks the entry table after a wipe to keep the table consistent with

sendSelfTo: xmtr

Overrides: Abraham

storeEntry: newEntry with: shift

wipe: toMatch with: aHash with: shift

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