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Class FeGrandPlaceHolder

Fakes a PlaceHolder in the GrandMap by just remembering the key.

Package: Udanax-Gold
All Superclasses: Object Heaper FeRangeElement FePlaceHolder
Protocols: Object
Categories: Xanadu-nkernel

Instance Methods


Overrides: FePlaceHolder

canMakeIdentical: newIdentity

Overrides: FePlaceHolder

create: iD


Overrides: FePlaceHolder


Create a new persistent PlaceHolder and register it in the GrandMap.

Overrides: FePlaceHolder

makeIdentical: newIdentity

Consolidate this PlaceHolder to the newIdentity. Return true if successful.

Overrides: FePlaceHolder


Ask the GrandMap who owns this ID

Overrides: FeRangeElement

removeFillDetector: detector

Overrides: FeRangeElement

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