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Class FakePacker

Most of the disk operations are just no-ops.

Package: Udanax-Gold
All Superclasses: Object Heaper DiskManager
Protocols: Object
Categories: Xanadu-Snarf

Class Methods


Instance Methods

beginConsistent: dirty

Overrides: DiskManager


Overrides: DiskManager


destroyFlock: info

Queue destroy of the given flock. dismantle it immediately in the FakePacker.

Overrides: DiskManager

diskUpdate: info

The flock identified by token is Dirty! On some later commit, write it to the disk.

Overrides: DiskManager

dismantleFlock: info

Tehre are no local data-structures.

Overrides: DiskManager

dropFlock: token

No prob.

Overrides: DiskManager

endConsistent: dirty

Overrides: DiskManager

fetchCanonical: hash with: snarfID with: index

If something is already imaged at that location, then return it. If there is already
an existing stub with the same hash at a different location, follow them till we
know that they are actually different objects.

Overrides: DiskManager

forgetFlock: info

Yeah. Right.

Overrides: DiskManager


Overrides: DiskManager


Overrides: DiskManager


Overrides: DiskManager

makeReal: info

Retrieve from the disk the flock at index within the specified snarf. Since
stubs are canonical, and this only gets called by stubs, the existing stub will
*become* the shepherd for the flock.

Overrides: DiskManager


Shepherds use a sequence number for their hash. Return the next one
and increment. This should actually spread the hashes.

Overrides: DiskManager


Flush everything out to disk and remove all purgeable imaged
objects from memory. This doesn't clear the ShepherdMap table.
This will have to be a weak table, and then the destruction of a
shepherd or shepherdStub should remove it from myShepherdMap.

Overrides: DiskManager

purgeClean: noneLocked

No shepherds are clean, so no-op.

Overrides: DiskManager

registerStub: shep with: snarfID with: index

Overrides: DiskManager

rememberFlock: info

There are now persistent pointers to the shepherd represented by token.

Overrides: DiskManager

storeAlmostNewShepherd: shep

Do nothing

Overrides: DiskManager

storeInitialFlock: turtle with: protocol with: cookbook

Overrides: DiskManager

storeNewFlock: shep

Shep just got created! On some later commit, assign it to a snarf
and write it to the disk.

Overrides: DiskManager

storeTurtle: turtle

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