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Class ChallengeLock

A ChallengeLock challenges the client with a random piece of data that has been encrypted with a publicKey, using an algorithm identified by the encrypterName. The client must decrypt it using the corresponding private key and respond with the decrypted challenge. If it matches the original random data, then the lock will open. The encrypterName and the publicKey are stored in the club`s ChallengeLockSmith.

Package: Udanax-Gold
All Superclasses: Object Heaper Lock
Protocols: Object
Categories: Xanadu-Be-Locks

Class Methods


make: loginID with: lockSmith with: response

Instance Methods


Essential. The challenge which must be signed correctly to open the lock.

create: allegedID with: lockSmith with: challenge with: response

response: signedChallenge

Essential. The correctly signed challenge will open the lock.

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