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Class SequenceSpace

The space of all Sequences

Package: Udanax-Gold
All Superclasses: Object Heaper CoordinateSpace
Protocols: Object
Categories: Xanadu-tumbler

Class Methods


Get the receiver for wire requests.


Overrides: CoordinateSpace class




makeRcvr: rcvr

Instance Methods

above: sequence with: inclusive

Essential. All sequences >= sequence if inclusive, > sequence if not.


is equal to any basic space on the same category of positions

Overrides: CoordinateSpace

below: sequence with: inclusive

Essential. All sequences <= sequence if inclusive, < sequence if not.


Overrides: CoordinateSpace

interval: start with: stop

Return a region of all sequence >= lower and < upper.

isEqual: anObject

is equal to any basic space on the same category of positions

Overrides: CoordinateSpace

mapping: shift

A transformation which shifts a value by some number of places and then adds a translation to it.

Overrides: CoordinateSpace

mapping: shift with: translation

Overrides: CoordinateSpace

position: numbers

position: arg with: shift

prefixedBy: sequence with: limit

sendSelfTo: xmtr

sequence: numbers with: shift

sequencesAfter: sequence

Essential. All sequences greater than or equal to the given sequence.
Should this just be supplanted by CoordinateSpace::region ()?

sequencesBefore: sequence

Essential. All sequences less than or equal to the given sequence.
Should this just be supplanted by CoordinateSpace::region ()?

sequencesPrefixedBy: sequence with: limit


shiftAndTranslation: shift

shiftAndTranslation: shift with: translation

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