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Class ScruSetTester

Package: Udanax-Gold
All Superclasses: Object Heaper Thunk Tester
Immediate Subclasses: ImmuSetTester MuSetTester
Protocols: Object
Categories: Xanadu-Testing

Class Methods


Overrides: Tester class
Overridden by: MuSetTester class


Overridden by: MuSetTester class

Instance Methods

allTestsOn: oo

Overrides: Tester
Overridden by: ImmuSetTester MuSetTester GrandHashSetTester HashSetTester


Overrides: Tester

createRcvr: receiver

Overridden by: ImmuSetTester MuSetTester GrandHashSetTester HashSetTester


generateScruSets must generate a table of sets in the following order:
1) an empty set
2) a set containing one element
3) a set containing one element which is different from that in set 2
4) a set containing at least two elements, one equal to the element in set 2
5) a set containing at least two elements, different from all previous elements
6) a set with the same contents as set 2 not generated by copy()
7) a set with the same contents as set 5 not generated by copy()
8) a set generated by set 2 copy
9) a set generated by set 5 copy
other sets are optional and will only be tested with general tests (check).


Overridden by: ImmuSetTester MuSetTester GrandHashSetTester HashSetTester

generateSetContaining: stuff

Overridden by: ImmuSetTester MuSetTester GrandHashSetTester HashSetTester

getScruSet: number

restartScruSetTester: rcvr

sendSelfTo: xmtr

Overridden by: ImmuSetTester MuSetTester GrandHashSetTester HashSetTester

setTestSets: table

testContentsEqual: oo

testhasMember: oo

testIntersects: oo

testIsEmpty: oo

testIsSubsetOf: oo


unaryCheck: a

Overridden by: MuSetTester

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