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Class PrimSpec

A specification of a kind of primitive data type which can be stored in PrimArrays. It gives you protocol for creating and copying PrimArrays. The class and characteristics of this object determine what kind of things are stored there, and how much precision they have.

Package: Udanax-Gold
All Superclasses: Object Heaper
Immediate Subclasses: PrimFloatSpec PrimIntegerSpec PrimPointerSpec
Protocols: Object
Categories: X++ PrimArrays

Class Methods

iEEE: precision




Overridden by: PrimFloatSpec class PrimIntegerSpec class


moved from initTime because MS C++/NT does not like large initTimes






A spec for pointers to object


signedInteger: bitCount

toHold: value

The least demanding spec that will hold the given value



unsignedInteger: bitCount

Instance Methods


Overridden by: PrimFloatSpec PrimIntegerSpec PrimPointerSpec


array: count

Make an array initialized to some reasonable zero value

Overridden by: PrimFloatSpec PrimIntegerSpec PrimPointerSpec


arrayFromBuffer: count with: buffer

Make an array with the values at the given address

Overridden by: PrimFloatSpec PrimIntegerSpec PrimPointerSpec

arrayWith: value

Make a single element array containing the given value

arrayWithThree: value with: other with: another

Make a two element array containing the given values

arrayWithTwo: value with: other

Make a two element array containing the given values

copy: array

copy: array with: count

copy: array with: count with: start

copy: array with: count with: start with: before

copy: array with: count with: start with: before with: after

copyGrow: array with: after

Make a copy of the array into a larger array. The array has 'after' slots after the copied elements.

create: primClass

Overridden by: PrimPointerSpec

createRcvr: receiver

Overridden by: PrimFloatSpec PrimIntegerSpec PrimPointerSpec

privateCopy: array with: size with: start with: count with: offset

Overridden by: PrimFloatSpec PrimIntegerSpec PrimPointerSpec

sendSelfTo: xmtr

Overridden by: PrimFloatSpec PrimIntegerSpec PrimPointerSpec


Essential. The size of a single element of the array, to be used to allocated space for copyTo/FromBuffer. In the same units as C sizeof ().

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