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Class MuArray
The class XuArray is intended to model zero-based arrays with integer keys (indices).
This makes them like the array primitive in C and C++. There is an additional constraint, which is they are to have simple domains. Therefore they should not be constructed with non-contiguous sections. This is not currently enforced. Given that it is enforced, an XuArray with count N would have as its domain exactly the integers from 0 to N-1.
There is some controversy over whether XuArray should be a type and enforce this contraint (by BLASTing if an attempt is made to violate the constraint), or whether XuArray is just a specialized implementation for when an IntegerTable happens to meet this constraint; in which case it should "become" a more general implementation when an attempt is made to violate the constraint (see "Type Safe Become"). In the latter case, XuArray will probably be made a private class as well. Please give us your opinion.
XuArray provides no additional protocol.
Package: Udanax-Gold
All Superclasses: Object Heaper ScruTable MuTable IntegerTable
Immediate Subclasses: ActualArray
Protocols: Object
Categories: Xanadu-Collection-Tables