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Class IntegerMapping

Transforms integers by adding a (possibly negative) offset. In addition to the Dsp protocol, an IntegerDsp will respond to "translation" with the offset that it is adding.

Old documentation indicated a possibility of a future upgrade of IntegerDsp which would also optionally reflect (or negate) its input in addition to offsetting. This would however be a non-upwards compatable change in that current clients already assume that the answer to "translation" fully describes the IntegerDsp. If such a possibility is introduced, it should be as a super-type of IntegerDsp, since it would have a weaker contract. Then compatability problems can be caught by the type checker.

Package: Udanax-Gold
All Superclasses: Object Heaper Mapping Dsp
Protocols: Object
Categories: Xanadu-Spaces-Integers

Class Methods



Overrides: Mapping class




make: translate

makeRcvr: rcvr

Instance Methods


Overrides: Mapping

compose: other

Overrides: Dsp


Overrides: Dsp

create: translation

Initialize instance variables


Overrides: Dsp

inverseCompose: other

Overrides: Dsp

inverseOf: pos

Overrides: Dsp

inverseOfAll: reg

Overrides: Dsp

inverseOfInt: pos

Overrides: Mapping

isEqual: other

Should have same offset and reversal


Overrides: Dsp

minus: other

Overrides: Dsp

of: pos

Overrides: Dsp

ofAll: reg

Overrides: Dsp

ofInt: pos

Overrides: Mapping

printOn: aStream

Overrides: Object

sendIntegerMapping: xmtr

sendSelfTo: xmtr


The offset which I add to a position.
If my translation is 7, then this->of(4) is 11.

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