Overrides: CoordinateSpace class
Make a cross space with the given list of subspaces
Overridden by: GenericCrossSpace class
Cross two sub spaces
Overrides: CoordinateSpace
Essential. The base spaces that I am a cross of.
The sub coordinate space on the given axis
The number of dimensions in this space
Overrides: CoordinateSpace
Overridden by: GenericCrossSpace
Essential. Map each coordinate according to the mapping from its space. nils mean 'use the identity mapping'
Overridden by: GenericCrossSpace
Overridden by: GenericCrossSpace
Essential. Make an individual position
Overridden by: GenericCrossSpace
Essential. Make a 'rectangular' region as a cross of all the given regions
Overridden by: GenericCrossSpace
Return a region whose projection is 'subRegion' along 'dimension', but is full on all other dimensions
Overridden by: GenericCrossSpace
Overrides: CoordinateSpace
Make a 'rectangular' region as a cross of all the given regions
Make an individual position
The actual array of sub spaces. DO NOT MODIFY