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Class Connection

Suclasses represent particular kinds of connections. The connection object serves two purposes: you can get the boot object from it, and you can destroy it to break the connection. Note that destroying the bootObject does not break the connection because you might have gotten other objects from it.

Package: Udanax-Gold
All Superclasses: Object Heaper
Immediate Subclasses: DirectConnection DiskConnection NestedConnection
Protocols: Object
Categories: Xanadu-cobbler

Class Methods

clearPlan: cat

Throw out any plan associated with cat.



make: category

registerBootPlan: plan

For the current run, return plan if anyone looks for a bootPlan that returns an instance of the category that plan returns.

Instance Methods



Overridden by: DirectConnection DiskConnection NestedConnection


Overridden by: DirectConnection DiskConnection NestedConnection

isEqual: other

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